Book Club Read
Stars: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I was skeptical to read this, but not what I expected. 🌈 Far surpassed my expectations! I had no clue about the history and powerful impact Maude Baum made on the world. She was full of gumption and stood for her beliefs. Despite being raised by a mom who fought along side Elizabeth Stanton she refused to continue in college and chose to marry a theater man and become a mother.
Their lives were not ordinary, but helped create the famous book...The Wizard of Oz. It was beyond fascinating reading about all the aspects of their lives that were written in his book.
Maude Baum did her best to keep Frank’s dream and vision alive in the movie and help keep Judy safe from lecherous men in the movie industry.
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